Friday, 1 April 2016

Back to "work"...

I have finally managed to pull myself out of this funk that has held me captive for the last weeks, and so, I am happy to report that I have been getting back into the tri-colour blanket that I started knitting a while ago.
I have, in the past, been called many things, but never a fast knitter, so don't be too disappointed not to see a huge amount progress.

Here it is:
(Not the best use for my yoga mat, but I am planning on doing some just after I finish this post...)

(Previous view)

If any of you have ever knitted with multiple yarns, you would know just how hard it is to keep them from knotting up and generally just becoming a tangled mess. Perhaps one day I will come across a suitable solution, but for now, the struggle is real, and it seems that I spend almost as much time untangling as I do knitting...

I would also like to share with you a quick snap of my favorite part of this project this far (the white bit)...

I love the ladder effect, and I have used it once or twice before. I know its not too clear in the white but it should become clearer once the blanket is finished and blocked. 
It's a pretty simple to achieve effect; created by simply knitting as follows:

(Yes this is a different, also incomplete, project that I am working on...)

(For the example I will use 10sts only)
Row 1: K4, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, k2
Row 2: P4, yo, p2 tog, yo, p2tog, p2

And repeat until desired length is reached. 

Naturally the design that is being incorporated in the tri-colour blanket is slightly less straight forward as it forms a 'V' shape to underline the design in the white section that I have yet to get to. (I'll show you when I get there, but for now you will have to use your imagination...)

Anyway it is getting late here and I still have a fair bit I would like to do tonight, so...

Until next time,

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