Friday, 3 June 2016

Gummi Madness: Prt 2

I'm back with more Disney...
As promised in my last post, I have continued making more of the Gummi Bears, this time it was Sunni's turn.

The original:

I think that she turned out rather well, even if I do say so myself...

Here's how I did it (well most of it):

I started with some pictures from the internet to give me a more accurate visual reference that just doing it all from memory, and once I was confident that I more or less knew what every angle of her looks like, I was ready to start.

A ball of tin foil on a long cocktail stick serves as a base for the head. 
I had Cubbi close at hand to that I could make sure that the scale remained the same.

 Also close at hand was my colour reference chart, showing me all of the colours that I would need to complete Sunni. Starting at the top they are as follows: Fur, muzzle and inner ear, nose, dress, boots, belt, buckle, and drawstring.
Once I had all of my clay mixed to match the colour chart as closely as possible, I got to work.

Adding clay to my tinfoil ball. 

For a little while there she rather closely resembled the Grinch, only in yellow...

You'll notice that here she has a yellow nose which does not fit with the actual character or my colour ref. chart, but I used it as a place holder only. 

 There we go, that is looking a little better.

Next I gave her some eyes. 

For the eyes I simply employed the same method that I used to use with the other figurines/dolls that I have made in the past. That is to say that I shaped the eyes out of the clay and baked them first, then, after they had cooled, placed them on the face and took things from there. 

For a time I was toying with different ideas on how to do that fringe of hers. 
If you have a look at the drawings etc of Sunni, her fringe is most definitely not smooth. It has some spikey bits all over, but, here we come again to the same issue that I faced with Cubbi (and I dare say I'll meet it again with the other Gummi's). 
The issue that I am referring to, of coure, is that all of the Gummi Bears' images etc are all very flat. The 3D aspect is something that I have had to find for my self, and with the hair more than anything else, I was stuck for quite a while.

In the end, I found that keeping it simple and leaving the clay as I did, smooth rather than 'spikey', looked the best and worked well in my representation of this Gummi.

Once I was happy with the appearance of her head, I replaced the yellow nose with one in the right colour and she went into the oven...
After the head had cooled down completely I made another ball of tin foil that was to become her body and also added it to the same skewer.  (I found that it was an easier way to make these particular sculptures rather than using armatures etc..)

I covered said ball on the green that matches her dress and added a V for the neckline, a long dash down the front for the opening of her dress/blouse (she calls it both in different episodes), this is also where the draw string will be placed a little later. I decided to make her body in stages rather than trying to make it all in one sitting, as I am way too clumsy to not make a mess of any, or ever all of it, before it is done...

Finally, for this part, I added the collar of her shirt and baked her again.
Unfortunately, that is where I stopped documenting my progress.

I will endeavor to be more diligent with the next Gummi (Gruffi Gummi). I know; I said something similar in the first part of this series, but I really did forget. 
I was so focused on reaching the end of this journey that I neglected just about everything else (including my fur-babies' dinner which very nealy became a burnt mess).

Finally I will share with you some snaps of (the completed) Sunni Gummi from different angles:

And that is all she wrote.

Until next time,

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