Monday, 20 June 2016

Gummi Madness: Prt The Next (4)

Yes, I am back with the next installment of the Gummi Bear series.

Even thought this particular Gummi, Grammi Gummi, took me the least amount of time to actually sculpt, it has taken me a lot longer to get around to make her than any of the three previous Gummi's. I have a perfectly good reason for that: I got bored with the polymer clay...

I'm sure that I have mentioned before, once or twice, that I am easily bored with any particular project, meaning that I often (more often that I'd like to admit) abandon a piece/project before I finish it and this undertaking was no exception...

After making Gruffi Gummi, whose colour scheme is probably the least exciting of all of the Gummi's, and who took me a rather long time to complete, I kind of lost my enthusiasm for the Gummi Series.
I like to think that it is, at least in part, due to the fact that the colours of Gruffi didn't inspire me. I am a rather sensitive creature and my environment plays a large part in the success, or indeed failure of any of my projects.

In the week or so that I took a break form the Gummi's, I indulged in another of my passions, cross stitching.
I re-discovered my love for the craft and took up one that I had abandoned almost a year ago, and I can honestly say that I am absolutely loving it again.

Now, because I know myself, and by that I mean my tendency to get distracted by other crafts etc., I have a personal rule which I try my best never to break.
The rule is that I cannot have more than one project 'out'; meaning, of course, that if I want to switch from the polymer clay to, say, embroidery, I have to pack away all of the clay and any paraphernalia that might go along with that before embarking on anything else. In this way I might try to avoid my house becoming a total disaster zone.

So, after I finished Gruffi, I packed all of that stuff away and got out my embroidery. But, alas, not only would the Gummi Project not leave my mind for too long, but I got so many other ideas for polymer clay projects since packing it all away, that the other night I finally caved and (breaking my rule) unpacked the clay and made Grammi.
I honestly think that she might just be my favorite of the four that I have done...

Today I might do the WIP pictures a little differently. Instead of explaining every step as I normally would, I thought that I might jusyt upload the images and let you see the progress for yourself seeing as there is very little difference in the process for Grammi with regard to all of the previous Gummi's.

The last three pictures are of Grammi after baking and sanding, but before finishing and painting. Once I managed to do all of that all that was left to do was sealing it with a matt vanish. Et voilĂ !

Now I just have two more Gummi's to go, so watch this space...

Until next time,

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