Friday, 24 June 2016

Gummi Madness: Prt Another One (5)

I tell you what: Having a break from the sculpting seemed to have re-ignited my love and enjoyment for the craft. In the last few days I have finished TWO different sculptures and started on the third... I mean I can't even remember being this productive, in the past... ever.

I have also found that having my embroidery 'out' at the same time as the clay is less of a problem than I thought it might be, although my lounge aka crafting space is getting a bit crowded.
The system that I am working with now, (that is to say rather than following my personal rule of 'one thing at a time") allows me to keep working on the Gummi's until they are ready to be baked, at which point I pick up my cross stitching and work on that until the baked clay has cooled (a lesson learned through experience: letting the clay cool completely after baking makes for a much stronger end product that is less likely to crack or break).
Once my Gummi is cold, and ready for the next phase in the completion of the project, I can put down my needlework and carry on working on the sculpture.
By doing things this way, I have found that I am making huge amounts of progress on both of my projects (I'll do a post on my cross stitching after I finish this Gummi Madness Series)...

And so, Beautiful Internet People, without further ado, may I present: Zummi Gummi!

I think it worked out rather well, in my last post, when I just let the photos tell the story of the journey, so here goes, starting with the clay blended to match the original Disney Zummi, as closely as possible:

I can tell you that I had so much fun sculpting this little guy that it is almost criminal. 
Zummi is definitely one of my favorite Gummi Bears, it's a pretty close call between him and Tummi, who happens to be the bear that I am working on as I type (technically he is in the oven, cooling down, but you know what I mean).

I did, however, find one thing in this particular Gummi to be more challenging than the rest, and that was Zummi's Gummi Medallion. I'll admit that I found it to be rather tricky to try and replicate. 
Now I have watched every episode of the Adventures of the Gummi Bears that I can find, so I know that the Gummi symbol on the medallion is not always visible, so I could always just (as it is sometimes during the show) have a round disc with no extra details on, but for my rendition of this bear, I definitely wanted that little detail...
The picture that I have up the top there, of the medallion separate from the rest of the sculpture, gives you a slight indication of just how small that piece really is (the grid behind it is one by one cm). 

Zummi's Gummi Medallion and his glasses are some of the only pieces in this series that I have sculpted and baked separately from the main piece (the only other thing was Cubbi's sword). 
I did this just because it was easier for me to get the details down-pat without said efforts getting disfigured/squashed etc before baking.
Once they were baked (and cooled) I simply added them in position using a drop or two of TLS (Translucent Liquid Sculpey).

I'll be the first to admit that these bears are far from perfect, but I think that they are good enough.

Here are some more pictures of Zummi Gummi from different angles:

And so it is once again time for me to love, and leave you.

Until next time,

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